Private Powerline Services

Private Power Lines

Private Powerline Services

The challenge

Private Powerline Services is a very niche business, with 95% of their customer base being farmers.. They wanted to increase brand awareness and reach within rural communities.

REACH solution

A targeted letterbox campaign to rural farmers - this target audience is typically checking their letterbox everyday so a letterbox mailer was a no brainer!

The outcomes

Private Powerline Services saw a 200% increase in sales.

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My flyer turned up in every single letterbox and the phone did not stop ringing!

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The database they had was absolutely unbelievable, they could literally target farming communities, lifestyle blocks, residential in all different areas in all different radiuses.

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What REACH did for me has been blown up 200%!

Who's Using It

From retail to car yards and rural services, businesses love the straight up approach to their Letterbox and Digital Campaigns. Check out some feedback.