Case Study
October 1, 2024

FarmChief Find Success With A Multi-Channel Approach to Marketing

FarmChief Find Success With A Multi-Channel Approach to Marketing
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Reading Time
2 mins

How REACH Helped FarmChief Streamline Marketing and Boost Sales

FarmChief, a family-owned agricultural machinery importer, has been serving the farming community for nearly 50 years. With growth in the North Island, FarmChief needed to streamline their traditional letterbox marketing campaigns and embrace a more digital approach. That’s where REACH came in.

Cameron Smith, FarmChief's Marketing Manager, explained the challenge of their previous approach: “We would print the flyers and distribute them to different distributors around the country. That would take a lot of time and effort… and cost quite a bit more money than what it should.”

By partnering with us here at REACH, FarmChief was able to simplify the process, saving time and money. “REACH took the printing and distribution off our plate and made it really, really easy to manage and use,” Cameron shared. But the collaboration didn’t stop there – REACH also helped FarmChief reach new audiences digitally through targeted Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads.

This multi-channel approach has seen impressive results. “We’ve seen a significant spike in leads and sales generated online… more visitors to our website and a greater spike in our social media accounts,” Cameron noted.

FarmChief is excited about the future, saying, “Working with REACH has been excellent. They bring a lot of energy... and provide advice and guidance on the aspects we’re not so sure about.”

To hear more about FarmChief’s journey with REACH, watch the full case study video below.

Is it time to elevate your marketing with REACH? Contact us today to explore how a tailored multi-channel approach can drive results for your business.

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